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Do you care that your employees are happy? Did you know that a good cup of coffee is in the top 3 most basic things present at work?

Coffee works to connect. And, the best coffee has a positive effect on work happiness and also strengthens team spirit and interaction on the shop floor.

We therefore take the time with you to taste and choose what suits you and what a possible suitable machine would be. Our purchasing process is aimed at selecting high-quality coffee (SCA 84+) through direct lines of communication through the chain. This allows us to always offer the best coffee beans, roasted in our roastery in Baarn. We work with equipment suppliers who understand the coffee business and are clear about current prices.

Back in 1973, at the BOOT Family, the great love for Specialty Coffee and the farmers who produce it began. It makes us very proud that there are now so many people who share this love, pass it on to others, and, like us, care about a sustainable future for the (coffee) world.

Has your curiosity been piqued? Then use the form below to invite you to have coffee together and listen to each other's stories.

Calling us directly is also fun!

Darja Koster - Sales
06 55 36 03 97 -

Dennis van Zal - Sales
06 10 98 88 44 -

Vincent van Dijk - Sales
06 46 10 32 27 -