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Coffee song 'Smell the bush, taste different'

Why this coffee song "Smell the Shrub". I have a simple answer : "With a song I can touch you and the coffee drinker with my coffee desire. Will you help pass this on? "

I have been a coffee roaster for more than 30 years, from the Dutch family business Boot Koffie, from Baarn. The smell and taste of specialty coffee from special arabica coffee bushes can be impressive, overwhelmingly smooth, powerful and moving. To live that experience and to experience the richness of stories of coffee farmers and their pickers, and to realize the inspiration of coffee roasters and baristas, is what I want to convey to coffee drinkers.

I have the deepest desire that we learn the names of the farmer, the picker and the roaster and meet them with the drinking of the coffee. I want us to realize how great the rich fullness of aroma and flavor can be because coffee is a creation of all those hands, those of the picker and the farmer, the roaster and the barista. And so this coffee song.

The lightning
On a coffee trip, I was struck by nature's experience at an old coffee tree as if by a bolt of lightning. This coffee tree had an incredibly thick trunk and was decades old, possibly as old as 100 years. And there I was in that coffee bush, almost under the branches, the subtle coffee blossom and the beautiful red berry fruits with the coffee bean as a kernel inside. The history of all the coffee years of this tree balled up in me.

I wrote down this poem and coffee song in the evening in one rush. This song actually contains everything I find important about coffee. I recited it in small circles. In the years that followed I discovered the power of singing in presentations and the similarities between making and enjoying very nice coffee and improvising songs. It became a heart's desire to sing over the coffee beauty a song that touches people's hearts. What could be more beautiful than this poem Smell the Bush?

A great moment is the reading at the Boot Coffee Dinner at our roastery in Het Lokaal in Amersfoort. And I sang the Coffee Song twice this year at the coffee farmers and auction of their Coffee for Peace coffees in Antioquia and Cauca, Colombia. Amazingly, they and I loved it. Also then it became so clear! They say, "I exist because you call my name".

Vocals, piano and trumpet
This recording of Ruik de Struik is a jazzy performance with Michiel Slaats on trumpet and me with vocals and piano. The combination of voice, piano and trumpet is beautiful. Recording took place at Studio Moskou in Utrecht, May 2020.

Will you join in and share?
invite everyone to listen to this song, include it in your playlists and share it with network and friends or use it in your own business. All proceeds from the coffee song Smell the Shrub go to the Coffee for Peace project in Colombia.

I know that coffee farmers embrace and embrace these lyrics (in translation). Anyone who would like to perform the lyrics and song in their own way is welcome. How wonderful would it be for coffee drinkers to dwell more on the names and story of coffee farmers?

Coffee song 'Smell the bush, taste different'

Smell the bush
taste differentThis

is a fairy taleThe
story of a coffee bushFrom
a trunk ....So bigRight up

the bushI'
m standing in the
bushBetween the branchesFrom above


berries so redRight up

the bushA
coffee tree of 100 years
years of picking berriesBranches
pruned and

now you taste
this year's harvest Berries
fall into your mouth juice



Smell the bushTaste
yearsPickers handsTheir
100 years!

Smell the bushTaste
what the farmer has producedFrom
Or from Amaro landRuik

the bushStay
still with the coffee farmerBy
the roaster and baristaFrom
our handsTaste

our storyKnow
our namesRuik
bushTaste differentTaste

storyKnow our namesRuik
the bushTaste

Mp3 Smell the bushDeliverable