Who are you and what is your position at Boot?
My name is Jouke Vink, and I passionately fulfill the role of barista and also that of store manager at the Boot Koffie Shop.

Why do you work with coffee?
Coffee for me represents craft, passion and encounter. I prefer to work with a product that you are truly passionate about. You never stop learning with coffee. Every time I keep being amazed at the palette of flavors. But also, for example, when I give a guest a barista workshop. When we make 1 coffee together with different grammages and brewing times. Then so many different flavors emerge from the same coffee and roast. That remains amazing.

What is your most memorable moment as a coffee professional?
Well, there can only be 1, brewing coffee in an ice bucket. That was on my wish list for a very long time, but then you need the right conditions. And then also telling a story in a wak.... Then you really only have about 3 minutes. Ultimate enjoyment of two worlds coming together: cold training followed by that warm gold flowing through your veins again. There is simply no better start to the day.(Watch the video on Instagram)

In your opinion, what is a coffee that everyone should try?
My absolute favorite is and always will be the Panama Hartmann Birdsong. The layering, sweetness and fruitiness, mmm so delicious! But I am also discovering more and more in our filter coffees. Fine and fantastic to experiment with this. We have a very nice filter range. All of them are great! And there is 1 coffee that I am really looking forward to. That is the Panama Mi Finquita - Limited Edition. Just a little more patience before it's available, but it will be a real treat. For now I would say, try our Colombia Filter. It's a real gem.