The happiness of good coffee.

The economy is running at full speed again. In thousands of companies in the Gooi, Vechtstreek and Eemland region, people are working hard every day to create the perfect product. Every Monday the editors report on a visit to one of these companies. Today: Boot Koffie.

Baarn, in the early 70s. On the Teding van Berkhoutstraat, a side street of the current location (Laanstraat 49), the story of the Boot family begins. This is where Jacob Boot, Barend's father, started his own coffee shop/roasting company in 1973. Jacob was the director of coffee roaster Neuteboom for many years and knew what he had to do. He went looking for the best coffee from all over the world. Some thought he was crazy, but Jacob was ahead of his time. So he developed a small home roaster, the Golden Coffee Box. "Since then, customers could also enjoy the freshest possible coffee at home," says son Barend Boot, owner since the early 1990s. At the time, the Golden Coffee Box was not cheap. You had to pay 500 guilders for the home roaster.

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Source: Gooi- and Eemlander
Text: Sebas Bouquet
Photography: Kastermans Photography Studio / Ben den Ouden