What is filter coffee? And how does it work?

Filter coffee: a classic brewing method. This coffee owes its name to the technique used in brewing. This is because the coffee is made with a paper filter in order to make a delicious cup of coffee. Read below how to brew filter coffee and what the difference is with unfiltered coffee.

What coffee for filter coffee

To make filter coffee, in addition to the filter and possibly a filter holder, you also need ground coffee. If you want a smooth and aromatic filter coffee, it is important to go for a lightly roasted coffee bean. You use about 60 grams of coffee per liter of water. With this ratio, the real flavor and quality of the coffee comes out best.

In terms of grind, it is advisable to choose a fairly coarse grind. In addition, filter coffee has another advantage: coffee made using a filter is healthier.

Is filtered coffee healthier?

Yes, filter coffee is indeed healthier than, say, an espresso, and that's because the filter removes the cafestol and kahweol from the coffee. The better filtered the coffee, the healthier. These two substances cause the LDL cholesterol in your blood to increase, which in turn increases the risk of heart attack or stroke. Take care! After 5 large cups of unfiltered specialty coffee, it becomes less healthy.

How does filter coffee work?

So to make filter coffee you need ground coffee and a paper filter. When you make the coffee in a filter holder, first fold the sides of the filter a little. Then you can moisten the filter slightly.

Then you scoop the coffee into the filter and pour a little hot water over the coffee. Then you add a little water each time, until your coffee is ready.

Want to order coffee? Check out our selection of filter coffees.

How many scoops of coffee for filter coffee?

How many scoops of coffee you need for filter coffee depends on your preference, and of course the size of the scoop, but a good starting point is 3 scoops of coffee (+/- 20 grams) per 300 ml of water.

The ratio of water to coffee is of course different with filter coffee than with espresso, and you can experiment with it just fine. Less water gives a heavier coffee, more water makes the coffee milder.

Unfiltered coffee

Of course, you can also make coffee without a paper filter, the so-called unfiltered coffee varieties.

One of the best known in this regard is coffee made with a cafetière, also called a French Press.

With this brewing method, hot water is poured over coarsely ground coffee. You then let this brew for a few minutes after which you press the coffee down.

Cafetiere coffee, however, is less healthy, because here the substance cafestol remains in the coffee and is not filtered out.

Want to read more about coffee? Then read the blog 10 quick tips for great filter coffee!