As a coffee roaster, we place great value on working sustainably. After all, coffee tastes extra good when you know that the entire process from coffee plantation to cup was done in a responsible manner.

The first coffee of the month in 2024, the"Colombia Kachalu. This coffee is a delight for the taste buds and the environment, thanks to the efforts of more than 100 small coffee farmers in the Kachalu region of Santander, Colombia. Since 1999, they have worked together to grow organic coffee, with attention to the rainforest and fair prices. The coffee bushes flourish due to the great diversity of natural shade trees, among other things, and fertilization by the more than 100 unusual species of birds that make their home there. We started working with this cooperative of enthusiastic farmers in 2005.

'Kachalu' stands for 'hope,' and this hope is certainly being realized! The cooperative overwhelmingly demonstrates that producing top quality coffee can go hand in hand with increased biodiversity, reduced environmental impact and improved income for the farmer. Boot Koffie provides an annual premium for the best 84+ coffees, making it worthwhile for coffee farmers to pursue higher quality.

Discover the Coffee of the Month