We conducted a brief interview with coffee farmer Don Juan Dario Gomez. His Colombia La Villa de Don Juan - Limited Edition is currently receiving high praise from our coffee drinkers. Reason enough to dive deeper into the story behind the coffee.

As a coffee farmer, how do you experience the fact that people in the Netherlands drink your coffee?
As a producer, I am particularly proud that you drink my coffee(Colombia La Villa de Don Juan - Limited Edition). I proudly share the photos you send and products in your online store with my family friends and employees. This way they get extra motivated by the fact that our specialty coffee is well received and consumed at a fair price at BOOT and its customers. And that in one of the largest coffee consuming countries in the world.

How is everything going on the plantation right now?
Our plantation is located in Isnos, south of the department of Huila, Colombia. We own 6 hectares of land ourselves, and my cousins and others we work with have added another 18 hectares to this special project. So this results in a total of 24 hectares of coffee plantations. We grow a variety of coffees there, including Bourbon, Pacamara, Caturra, Geisha, Castillo and Papayo. I have extensive experience in agronomic crop management (optimizing production and sustainability of farmland) and pay close attention to all aspects of processing new profiles. Nevertheless, I always remain committed to publicizing our typical provenance profiles.

Why do you use yeast fermentation for coffee and where did you learn it?
Learning this fermentation method was a challenge, over and over, until I achieved the desired results. It was not an easy task because while I had knowledge of agronomy, I did not have knowledge of cupping (tasting coffee) and the different processing methods. I relied on the Internet and digital platforms to expand my knowledge, which was not always easy. Nevertheless, the results have exceeded expectations and I can proudly report that I have mastered the following skills: agronomy, processing, roasting, cupping and barista techniques. I currently use yeast, must and fruit extract to enhance the profiles of different varieties and help develop more defined flavor notes for each variety in the cup. Especially when the original flavor notes are less pronounced.

Can you tell us something special about the Don Juan Limited Edition?
The current Colombia La Villa de Don Juan - Limited Edition is a new profile of high-quality pacamara coffee, carefully grown with excellent agronomic management and very precise manual selection. It was carefully placed on the selection tables, fermented in the cherries and processed into pulp. Then the coffee was washed and subjected to the process of adding yeast and must. Finally, it was fermented for 72 hours in a bioreactor.

Behind each profile is a lot of labor, years of dedication and countless failures to achieve this particular type of profile.

Enjoy, we are proud to be part of BOOT's coffee lineup.

Best regards from La Villa de Don Juan.

Taste the coffee of Don Juan