Less rushing, more enjoying. That is the motto of Job Wolswinkel (26). Last month he opened Jobs Koffiekamer in the Leusden shopping center De Biezenkamp. ''My business reflects how I see good hospitality.''

It was meant to be, says a broadly smiling Job on the terrace of his brand new Koffiekamer. Here, on this territory, he grew up. Just like the four generations of Wolswinkel before him. That he could open his first business in these surroundings, he could not have wished for better. It feels familiar, it feels natural. From day one.

Job: People say: just drop by Job's place. That typifies the village community. John, the first day I was so busy I couldn't even think about emotions. It was more like: how am I going to do all this? I was fighting with rosy cheeks. Super fun, of course. It's exactly how I envisioned it. This should be an approachable coffee shop. It should be alive, not stately. Come along, if you like it, and bring someone along.

Standing on his own two feet young has always been one of Job's goals. Initially he aimed for the baker's life. He took a course and worked at Toebast bakery in Hoevelaken. I still think it's a wonderful profession, but you do have to work hard every day. I switched to the catering industry, to the restaurants De Buurman and Bras 73. I learned a lot. I thought: this is what I want, but on a slightly smaller scale. And during the day. Then you have the most interaction with your guests.

He came into contact with Mark Osinga of Optiek Leusden, who had just bought two properties in the renovated shopping center De Biezenkamp. In one of them he was going to work himself, for the other he was looking for a catering entrepreneur. It clicked and the collaboration was born. Job: I believe very much in cooperation. That characterizes De Biezenkamp too, we do it together here.''

And lo and behold, in July the two businesses opened, connected by a passageway. It is a whole: in Jobs Koffiekamer there are glasses from Optiek Leusden, in Optiek Leusden you get coffee from Job. Other than that, the two companies mainly do what they are good at. In the case of Jobs Koffiekamer: serving good coffee.

Job: ,,I have always found coffee interesting. There's a whole science behind it, it goes deep. My girlfriend gave me a barista course and I fell in love with the trade. That's what I bring to the table. I work with coffee beans from Boot Koffie in Baarn. Top quality and top service. That's what I stand for. You can expect high-quality espresso-based coffee here.''

Types of coffee
Currently he serves coffee from beans from Colombia and Ethiopia. ,,The first one is a bit sweeter and more accessible. It will remain in my range. The second is more intense, with notes of lemon, jasmine and chocolate. Fits well with the summer. I alternate those and go with the seasons.''

His store must be a living room for the Leusdener. You have to come home here. Above all, there is no rush. Everyone seems to be in a hurry these days. Here you can enjoy, relax. With good coffee, you're busy for a while. If people are impatient, I say: do you want fast or good coffee? I don't let them make me crazy. Coffee has to be good, always and for everyone.''

The changing cookies with it Job bakes himself. Just like the apple pie and brownie he has on his menu. Every morning his oven is turned on. That way I can still be a bit of a pastry chef. And where do you get really fresh apple pie? Or a glass of water with your coffee? Would you like a brie sandwich instead of the sandwiches I serve? I'll make it for you. My business reflects how I see good hospitality.''