Today was finally the day. In the cozy coffee shop of Boot Koffie in Baarn, the lucky winner of the Boot Coffee Game was festively received to receive her well-deserved grand prize. And what a prize! A beautiful Jura E8 Espresso Machine was waiting to be handed over to Mrs. Van Stralen by Barend Boot himself. Along with the first kilo of Colombia Kachalu Organic espresso from her year of free coffee.

The Boot Coffee Game is always exciting, because the winners are chosen blind. It was pure coincidence that Mrs. Van Stralen is from Baarn and has been drinking Boot's coffee faithfully for years. "When we go somewhere for coffee, we always check to see if they serve Boot Koffie there," said Mrs. Van Stralen. She is clearly a real aficionado!

Congratulations again, Mrs. Van Stralen! You have more than earned this fantastic award.

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