Coffee is one of the world's most beloved beverages. For some it is part of the morning ritual, for others it is a pick-me-up in the afternoon. It is the caffeine in coffee that has contributed to this image. To me, however, it is the taste and quality of the coffee that matters, not the caffeine. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions surrounding decaffeinated coffee, and in my opinion, this type of coffee is undervalued. For example, it is said to be unhealthy and less tasty, but is that really true?

In the old days, around 1900, chemicals were indeed used to decaffeinate coffee. Nowadays, this is no longer the case and water, sugar cane or CO2, among others, are used. As a result, the process takes place naturally and also does not affect the taste of the coffee.

At Boot Koffie, an awful lot of attention is paid to the Colombia Kachalu Decaffeinated Organic Espresso. The goal: a decaffeinated coffee where the taste remains optimal! The Colombia Kachalu Decaffeinated is a great example of a coffee where you won't even taste that there is no caffeine in it. So, if you want to reduce your caffeine intake, taste it for yourself and be convinced!

Happiness through taste.

Stefan Heuvelmans


Also read the blog: How is coffee decaffeinated?
Boot deliberately chooses an all-natural and organically certified process for decaffeinating coffee. No chemicals are involved. Decaffeinated happiness through taste!

Coffee of the month October 2023