Brazil - we know it as a diverse, colorful country evoking associations of carnival, big cities, beaches, soccer stars and a huge rainforest. But did you know that Brazil is also known for its coffee production? For 50 years this country has been the world's largest coffee producer and in recent years has also grown to become the second largest coffee consumer. Therefore, when it comes to coffee production, Brazil has the image of a country where quantity takes precedence over quality. In such a huge country like Brazil, regional differences are evident in single origin coffees.

Our Brazil Santos comes from the Mantiqueira de Minas region, where it is grown at an altitude of 1,100 meters. In this region, coffee is mostly grown by small farmers. What you taste in this coffee is first of all a full body, which Brazilian coffees are known for, but also soft acidity and a hint of sweetness.

In general, Brazilian coffees are very accessible and they are therefore often used in blends. Yet specialty coffees can also stand surprisingly well on their own. This is demonstrated by the fact that our Brazil Santos is a favorite with many people, including in our own team. Marian Huitema, who makes sure everything runs smoothly in our office, says: "I drink my Brazil Santos as a black coffee from the Jura E6. After trying all our coffees, for me the Brazil is the coffee I like best. Even when the coffee gets cold it still has great taste! I occasionally have a different coffee but the Brazil Santos remains my favorite." Sara, one of the baristas in our store in Baarn, is also a fan. She brews the Brazil Santos with 18.5 grams and 24 seconds of brewing time and then as a cappuccino so that the necessary chocolate notes come through nicely.

Do you also make such a delicious cappuccino at home? Then order your own bag of Brazil Santos here. Apreciá-lo!