Since 2019, we have taken a different path with the Kachalu cooperative with the goal of improving the quality of the coffee and getting a better price for the coffee farmer. Together we have brew up a bonus system where the farmer gets more money for his coffee, if the quality is equal or higher than 84 points. The higher the score, the more money the farmer receives. In this way, together with the cooperative, we encourage the coffee farmer to take his coffee to a higher level.

How can the farmer improve his coffee quality? This cannot be briefly explained, but just as in your own garden, it is necessary to provide the soil with sufficient nutrition. You do this by, for example, putting nutritious plants next to the coffee plants, creating a natural ecosystem. It is also important for the farmer to take out the broken coffee beans when processing the coffee. We call these broken beans defects.

This amazing coffee is produced by 18 small farmers, making it a joint project that we are very proud of. And you can now experience this coffee even if you don't need caffeine for a while.

Coffee of the month