Dear coffee lover,

Effective Wednesday, May 31, 2023, we will make a price change. On average, the increase will be about 8%. This means for you about €0.02 per cup brewed.

The reason for this price increase is that we continue to face challenges locally and around the world. Climate change continues to impact coffee production at the farmers from whom we import coffee. For Specialty Coffee, this means lower crop yields. Because the farmer can harvest less, this leads to price increases of coffee in the various coffee countries. In addition, the cost of production at farmers' coffee farms has increased.

The advantage for coffee countries and farmers, however, is that a larger share ends up with the farmers themselves. Because of the scarcity, coffee farmers can sell Specialty Coffee at a much better price. This leaves more money to improve living conditions, grow even better coffee and continue to invest in caring for the environment on the plantations.

A challenge for BOOT Coffee to keep contributing our stone in this because this has been our mission for 50 years. To buy and sell only honest coffee of the best quality and to propagate the 'BOOT message' that this is of great importance for our and also your contribution to a better world.

Happiness through taste.

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